Note:Here is a piece using some well-known cat breeds. I am unaware of the author.
Lauren Merryfield,
Breed All About it in the Daily Mews
Driving through the Norwegian Forest in my Turkish Van, I stopped at a Scottish Fold in the road. I looked in the mirror and said, you’re a mess, just look
at that American Wirehair. I had tried the American Shorthair but that went out of style. When I called Ms. Manx to talk about an American Curl, she was
on her way to see the Sphynx. She suggested I see Mr. Birman. He ought to make me look better for my trip to Bombay. Chartreux always likes presents so
I must stop and buy her a Ragdoll or a Ragamuffin, something simple, nothing Exotic. All that deserved a Fancy Feast. Oh God this woman is too catty.