Why The World Needs Pets
By Bill Clanton of All Pets Radio (
They won't hold a grudge. They won't leave you for someone else. They
know how to show their affection. They even know your feelings better than
you do. Who are "they"? Well "they" go by many names, but most of the
world just calls them "Pets". Pets are wondrous creatures whose powers go
beyond that of spiritual or magical. Perhaps that power is what the world
needs more of.
Recently while being interviewed by a local newspaper reporter I was asked
the question, "Why do you think that pets have become so popular in recent
years?" I thought for a moment and then answered. "We are a nation at war,
a nation still recovering from the after effects of September 11th, a nation
rebuilding in the wake of a devastating hurricane in the South, all while
living in a media spoon fed world with terror attacks in every news break."
I then went on to explain the key thing that separates us from our pets.
"If I were to go to a human friend for emotional support, I could only
expect so much. You see, they could be affected by the same negative
worldly stress that depresses me. However, my pet remains unaffected."
This newspaper reporter agreed with my statement and we spent several
minutes talking about the idea of "unconditional love".
Unconditional love is a phrase that I have heard people from all walks of
life relate totally to pets. I find it amazing that so many people with
different backgrounds, cultures, and languages can come to this same
agreement. When we are at our lowest of lows our pet will still be there.
Pets fill the void in our lives.
Another incredible aspect of pets is in the case of loved ones away from
home. While loved ones may be over seas fighting to preserve freedom, pets
are fighting battles here on the emotional frontlines in our homes. Our
pets are armed with the weapons of mass affection. A wet nose, a wagging
tail, a friendly purr, and soft snuggly fur remain a strong hold of the pet
arsenal. In a few short moments a pet can bring us from a face full of
tears to a face full of cheers.
They always aim to please expecting nothing in return. I have never heard
of a dog not loving his master because his master forgot say "I love you",
or a cat ignoring her caretaker because they got home late from work. Wait,
I am talking about cats so actual results of the previous statement may
vary. My point is that we could learn a tremendous amount about humility
and humanity from our pets. Humans using the powers gained by observing our
pets could one day actually bring about world peace. In the mean time we
take it one heart at a time.
The next time you find yourself alone, hurt, sad, or frightened, just find
your furry friend, open up your heart, and let the power heal you.
Bill Clanton
Program Director
All Pets Radio